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How do students use writing templates to complete assignments?
How do students use writing templates to complete assignments?

How writing templates guide students through the writing process

Alyssa avatar
Written by Alyssa
Updated over 2 months ago

Some of our webtexts contain writing templates, designed to guide students through the process of completing their assignments.

Add and edit content

Students complete assignments by responding to each prompt in the templates. As they work through the templates, their work is saved automatically. When they’re ready to add their work to their assignment, they will click the Add button.

A completed writing template with an arrow pointing to the Add to Project One button

If students haven’t completed each portion of the template, the Add button will not be clickable. It will appear in a lighter color until the template is complete.

Save Progress and Add to Project One buttons at the bottom of a writing template, with the Add to Project One button grayed out

Students can also change their responses after they’ve clicked Add by clicking the Edit button. They’ll just need to click the Add button again after making their changes to make sure their updated work is added to their assignment.

Some webtexts include revision templates, where students update the work they completed in previous templates. Once students begin their revision process on these templates, their previous templates lock and can no longer be edited. This prevents work being edited in multiple places and creating conflicting drafts.

If a student tries to edit a locked template, they will be directed to the revision template.

A writing template with the message "this template is complete - use the following template to make revisions" and a link to a previous webtext page.

Add citations

Depending on the webtext, some templates include a citation tool that allows students to quickly add in-text citations to their work. After clicking the part of the sentence where they’d like to place the in-text citation, students click the Add Citation button at the top of the template.

A writing template with an arrow pointing to the Add Citation button.

They will then choose the source they’d like to cite and respond to the prompts that follow.

A writing template citation tool drop-down menu showing a selection of sources

Once they’ve responded to each of the prompts, the Create Citation button will become clickable.

A citation tool with each prompt completed, with an arrow pointing to the Create Citation button

The citation will then appear in the writing template.

A writing template showing the in-text citation

If students would like to make a change to their citation, they can click on the citation and the box with citation options will reappear, allowing them to make new selections. Clicking the X button in the citation will remove it from the template.

Complete templates in order

Writing templates must be completed in order. If students do not complete the templates in order, they’ll see a message directing them back to the previous template that needs to be completed before they can move on.

A writing template showing a list of writing templates that need to be completed

A template is only considered complete once the student has clicked the Add button, so an “incomplete” template could refer to a template they’ve filled out but haven’t yet added to their assignment.

Download the document

When the time comes to download an assignment, students will see a Download button in their template. Clicking the Download button will save the document to their device, likely in the Downloads folder.

The bottom of a writing template with an arrow pointing to the Download Project One Milestone button

If the Download button isn’t visible, they’ll need to click the Add button first.

The bottom of a writing template with an arrow pointing to the Add to Project One Milestone button

Students can then review, edit, and submit the downloaded assignment.

Find writing templates in the webtext

If students would like to quickly find the templates in their webtext, they can view the Index of Writing Templates at the bottom of the webtext’s Table of Contents. The Index of Writing Templates has a list of every template in the webtext and the page number where it is located, as well as the location of every download button.

Bottom of the table of contents with a box highlighting the Index of Writing Templates

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