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How do I deploy Soomo’s Sakai External Tool?
How do I deploy Soomo’s Sakai External Tool?

LMS administrator instructions for deploying Soomo’s Sakai External Tool

Alyssa avatar
Written by Alyssa
Updated over 11 months ago

Who is this article for?

LMS administrators

Where do I learn more about the Soomo/LMS integration?

To get started deploying Soomo’s Sakai External Tool, follow the steps below. If you have any questions along the way, please don’t hesitate to contact our LMS specialist at

Register the Soomo Learning Tool

  • Log in to Sakai as an admin and access the Administrator Workspace.

  • Select External Tools in the left-hand menu and then click the Installed Tools tab at the top of the screen.

  • Click Install LTI 1.x Tool and use the table below to fill in the rest of the fields. Click Save when complete.

Site ID

Leave empty

Tool Title

Soomo Webtext Tool

Allow tool title to be changed

Do not allow

Choose a custom icon

Leave empty

Allow custom icon to be changed

Do not allow

Button Text

Soomo Webtext

Allow button text to be changed

Do not allow


Soomo Webtext LTI 1.3 Tool

Tool Status


Tool Visibility


Launch URL

Allow launch URL to be changed

Do not allow

Launch Key

Leave empty

Allow launch key to be changed

Do not allow

Launch Secret

Leave empty

Allow launch secret to be changed

Do not allow

Frame Height

Leave empty

Tool Order

Leave empty

Allow frame height to be changed

Do not allow

Configuration dialog when tool is selected

Bypass configuration dialog

Privacy Settings:

Send User Names to External Tool


Send Email Addresses to External Tool



Allow External Tool to return grades


Allow External Tool to create grade columns


Provide Roster to External Tool


Allow External Tool to store setting data


Tools can generally accept direct LTI Launches or Content-Item / Deep-Link Selection launches. It is not common, but some tools can handle both types of launch at one endpoint.

Indicate where these tools are placed in Sakai:

Allow the tool to be selected from Lessons


Allow the tool to be one of the assignment types


Allow the tool to be used from the rich text editor


Tool supports the privacy launch message (experimental)


Allow the tool to provide a common cartridge (usually to be imported into a tool like Lessons)


Allow the tool to provide a file (usually as part of a file picker)



Launch in Popup

Always launch in popup

Debug Launch

Never launch in debug mode

Custom Parameters (key=value on separate lines)

Leave empty

Manually map Sakai roles to IMS roles. Example: maintain:Learner;access:Learner

Leave empty

Splash Screen (If this is non-blank it is shown before the tool is launched)

Leave empty

If you select LTI 1.3 support while inserting a tool, after the tool is saved, you will be presented the Sakai configuration information to copy back to the tool. You can view this information in the tool view screen if you edit the tool information.

Tool supports LTI 1.3

LTI 1.3 Tool Keyset URL (provided by the tool)

Provided separately by email

LTI 1.3 Tool OpenID Connect/Initialization Endpoint (provided by the tool)

LTI 1.3 Tool Redirect Endpoint(s) (comma separated and provided by the tool)

Type of LTI 1.1 Launch to Use

Inherit System-Wide Default

Once this step is complete, please share the Platform Issuer, Deployment Id, and Client ID with This can be found in the Sakai External Tool you created in this step. The integration is now complete.

Next step:

Soomo Learning will reach out to the instructor with information on how to link their Sakai course shell. You can also view our How do I link my Sakai course to the webtext? Help Center article with further instructions for the instructor.

If you have any questions, click the Messenger button in the lower right corner. You can also contact us using the information below.

Monday–Friday 9 a.m.–9 p.m. ET
Saturday–Sunday 1 p.m.–9 p.m. ET

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