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How can I use Analytics to monitor students’ progress?
How can I use Analytics to monitor students’ progress?

Monitor students’ work to identify those who need the most help

Written by Soomo Instructor Support
Updated over 4 months ago

View students’ progress

Students who do not complete coursework are at high risk of failure. Contact students who are falling behind and let them know that doing the assigned work is essential for learning and successful completion of the course.

In the navigation menu on the left, click Show Low Progress to sort your students so those with the lowest completion are at the top of the list.

A webtext Analytics page with an arrow to Show Low Progress

Click the Page button at the top of the screen to view student progress by page. The key at the bottom of the page will help you easily spot missing work.

The Analytics Progress view with an arrow showing the Page toggle and a box showing the image key

Click on any blue box to see which questions a student has completed or skipped on that page.

The Progress view in Analytics with an arrow pointing to a student’s progress checkbox

The Section Averages row at the top of the page allows you to quickly compare a student’s progress to the rest of the class.

The Analytics Progress view showing the Section Averages row at the top of the table

View students’ scores

Scores are the percentage of questions answered correctly. (Polls and short-answer questions are considered correct if they have been completed.) Viewing low scores and comparing a student’s score to the section average can help you identify and follow up with students who may need additional support.

In the left navigation menu, click Show Low Score to sort students from lowest to highest score.

A webtext Analytics page with an arrow to Show Low Score

From Page view, click on any percentage for a detailed view of the student’s work on that page, including their Activity History.

The Analytics Score view with a box showing the Page toggle and an arrow pointing to a student’s score

Low scores, which are flagged in red, indicate areas where students may be struggling to understand the concepts presented.

You can also use the time overview (see below) to determine if students with low scores need to invest more time to increase their scores.

View students’ active time in the webtext

Active time is the time students spend clicking, typing, or scrolling in the webtext. Low active time usually means that students are not putting in the effort necessary for meaningful learning, while high active time can indicate that a student is struggling with the content.

In the left navigation menu, click Show Low Time Spent to sort students by active time from lowest to highest.

A webtext Analytics page with an arrow to Show Low Time Spent

In Page view, pages with low active time are marked in solid red boxes, and pages with high active time are displayed in red text with a red border. Students with very low times may need encouragement to spend more time in the webtext to improve their scores.

The Analytics Time Spent view with a box showing the Page toggle

View students’ gradebook points

If your course is connected with your school’s LMS or has a grading profile set up, you can use Analytics to view the points students have earned for each webtext assignment. This allows you to see the points that students have earned in the webtext. These are the points that are sent to your LMS gradebook.

In the navigation menu on the left, click Show Gradebook Points.

A webtext Analytics page with an arrow to Show Gradebook Points

You’ll see a table showing the points each student has earned per gradebook item. The first row of the table shows average points earned to provide a quick reference point on overall class performance.

The Analytics Gradebook Points view showing the Average Points row at the top of the table

Additionally, comparing average points among chapters provides insight into the class’s performance across different topics. This can help you allocate more time to challenging topics and tailor your teaching strategies to address your students’ specific learning needs.

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