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How do I use a Student Activity Detail report?
How do I use a Student Activity Detail report?

Using the Student Activity Detail report to analyze student performance

Alyssa avatar
Written by Alyssa
Updated over 2 months ago

This Student Activity Detail report provides webtext activity data at the book, chapter, and page level for each student in your course. Each report presents a snapshot of webtext activity for data points such as active time, question completion, MCQ attempts, and more.

For information on other reports available through Analytics, visit our articles:

Generating the report

1) Access Analytics through the Tools Menu in the webtext.

2) From the Generate Report menu in the upper right corner of the page, select Student Activity Detail.

An arrow pointing to the Generate Report menu in Analytics with the Student Activity Detail option highlighted

3) Click Generate Report in the dialog box to start processing the report. The dialog box will show you the estimated time it will take for the report to run. Reports for courses with higher enrollment will take longer to process.

A Student Activity Detail report–generation dialog with the Generate Report button highlighted

4) When the report is ready, we will send a download link to the email address for your account. From the email, click the Download my report button to save it as a CSV file. (You can open and edit the file using a spreadsheet application like Excel or Google Sheets.)

Student Activity Detail report email with an arrow pointing to the Download my report button.

Reading the report

The Student Activity Summary report lists each student in your course and their engagement data. For each student, the report includes data such as:

  • the last time the student was active in the webtext

  • the total minutes of active time in the webtext, in a chapter, and on a page

  • multiple-choice question completion for the webtext, each chapter, and each page

  • the percentage of multiple-choice questions answered correctly for the first and most recent attempts

Data is aggregated at the book, chapter, and page levels

Webtext activity data in the report is aggregated at the levels described in the table below.

Data level

Level description


Aggregated data for the entire webtext. These fields begin with “Book.”


Data for each chapter in the webtext. These columns begin with “Chapter: [Chapter number].”


Data for each individual page in the webtext. These columns begin with “Page” followed by the page number and name.

Page Type

Fields that end with the Page Type in parentheses show aggregated data for each page type, such as “quiz” or “assignment,” within the book or a chapter.

Having data aggregated at these levels enables comparison of engagement across chapters in the webtext or across pages in a chapter.

Book-level data is presented first, followed by data for the first chapter in the webtext and then for each page within that chapter. The Chapter- and Page-level data then repeats in that pattern for the remainder of the report.

Data at the Book level

In this excerpt of a report viewed in Excel, all of the columns are showing data at the Book level for the entire webtext.

Screenshot of Excel spreadsheet showing columns Y though AF where all column headers begin with “Book”

Data at the Chapter level

In this excerpt of the report, all of the columns are presenting data at the Chapter level.

Screenshot of Excel spreadsheet showing columns EX though FC where all column headers begin with “Chapter 1”

Data at the Page level

In this excerpt of the report, all of the columns are presenting data at the Page level.

Screenshot of Excel spreadsheet showing columns HW though IA where all column headers begin with “Page 1.2”

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Data descriptions

The table below has information on each field in the Student Activity Detail report.

Data field


Course ID

Internal identifier for the course.

Student ID

Internal identifier for the student.

Student Last

The student’s last name.

Student Name

The student name is the student’s full name as entered by the student during registration or provided via the institution LMS.

Student Email

The student’s email as entered by the student during registration or provided via the institution LMS.

Enrollment Date

Date of the student’s enrollment in the webtext.

Requested Trial

A value of “Yes” indicates that the student registered with a trial subscription.

Subscription Status

The subscription status associated with the student’s enrollment. Possible values include: Active, Expired, None, Pending Payment, Trial, Trial Expired, and Unsubscribed.

Enrollment Status

The student’s institutional enrollment status. This data is not typically collected from the institution’s LMS.

First Active Date

The timestamp of the student’s initial webtext access (first page view).

Last Active Date

The timestamp for the student’s most recent page view in the webtext.

Purchased Print Copy

A value of “Yes” indicates that the student purchased a print copy of the webtext.

Total Minutes Spent

The total active time in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page) in minutes. Active time is the time a user spends clicking, typing, or scrolling in a webtext.

Total Hours Spent

The total active time in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page) in hours. Active time is the time a user spends clicking, typing, or scrolling in a webtext.

Total Minutes Spent (web)

The total active minutes in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page) when accessing via a web browser. Active time is the time a user spends clicking, typing, or scrolling in a webtext.

Total Hours Spent (web)

The total active hours in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page) when accessing via a web browser. Active time is the time a user spends clicking, typing, or scrolling in a webtext.

Total Minutes Spent (mobile)

The total active minutes in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page) when accessing via the Soomo Reader mobile app. Active time is the time a user spends clicking, typing, or scrolling in a webtext.

Total Hours Spent (mobile)

The total active hours in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page), when accessing via the Soomo Reader mobile app. Active time is the time a user spends clicking, typing, or scrolling in a webtext.

Number of Highlights

The total number of highlights made in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page). Each highlight is a single selection of text highlighted with a color.

Number of Highlighted Words

The total number of words highlighted in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page).

Avg Words per Highlight

The average number of words per highlight.

Number of Annotations

The total number of margin notes made in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page).

Number of Annotation Words

The total word count of the margin notes made in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page).

Avg Words per Annotation

The average number of words per margin note.

Question Completion %

The percentage of questions in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page) that have been answered.

Question Completion Z

The Z-score for the Question Completion %.

Questions Answered

The total number of questions answered in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page).

Min / Answer

The average minutes spent per question answered in the webtext.

Questions Correct

The total number of questions answered correctly in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page).

Min / Correct Answer

The average minutes spent per question answered correctly in the webtext.

Min / Correct Answer Z

The Z-score for the Min / Correct Answer.

Total Questions

The total number of questions in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page).


The total number of multiple-choice attempts. Note that this data is by page rather than by question since students clear all answers on a page when using the reset button at the bottom of a page. If your webtext allows resetting by question, the value for this field will be blank (or zero).


The average number of multiple-choice attempts made per page. (MULTIPLE CHOICE Attempts divided by MULTIPLE CHOICE RESET Placements.) If your webtext allows resetting by question, the value for this field will be blank (or zero).

MULTIPLE CHOICE RESET Placements (# pages with reset button)

The total number of pages in the webtext (or in a chapter or for a page) containing at least one multiple-choice question with at least two attempts allowed. These are pages that have a reset button at the bottom of the page.


The percentage of multiple-choice questions in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page) that have been answered.


The Z-score for the MULTIPLE CHOICE Completion %.

MULTIPLE CHOICE Questions Answered

The total number of multiple-choice questions answered in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page).

MULTIPLE CHOICE Questions Correct (1st Attempt)

The total number of multiple-choice questions answered correctly in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page) on the first attempt.

MULTIPLE CHOICE Questions Attempted (1st Attempt)

The total number of multiple-choice questions answered in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page) on the first attempt.

MULTIPLE CHOICE Correct % - 1st Attempt

The percentage of all multiple-choice questions in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page) answered correctly on the first attempt.

MULTIPLE CHOICE Correct % of Attempted - 1st Attempt

The percentage of multiple-choice questions attempted in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page) that were answered correctly on the first attempt.

MULTIPLE CHOICE Questions Correct (Final Attempt)

The total number of multiple-choice questions answered correctly in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page) on the most recent attempt.

MULTIPLE CHOICE Correct % - Final Attempt

The percentage of all multiple-choice questions in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page) answered correctly on the most recent attempt.

MULTIPLE CHOICE Correct % of Attempted - Final Attempt

The percentage of multiple-choice questions attempted in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page) that were answered correctly on the most recent attempt.

MULTIPLE CHOICE Questions Possible

The total number of multiple-choice questions in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page).

SQR: MULTIPLE CHOICE Resettable Questions (# of resettable questions)

The total number of individually resettable multiple-choice questions in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page). If your webtext does not allow resetting by question, the value for this field will be blank (or zero). SQR stands for single question reset.

Book: MULTIPLE CHOICE Avg Question Resets

The average number of resets per multiple-choice question in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page). If your webtext does not allow resetting by question, the value for this field will be blank (or zero).

SQR: MULTIPLE CHOICE Attempts / Question

The average number of attempts per multiple-choice question in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page). If your webtext does not allow resetting by question, the value for this field will be blank (or zero). SQR stands for single question reset.

POLL Completion %

The percentage of poll questions in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page) that have been answered.

POLL Completion Z

The Z-score of the POLL Completion %.

POLL Questions Answered

The total number of poll questions answered in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page).

POLL Questions Possible

The total number of poll questions in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page).

RESPONSE BOARD Question Posted %

The percentage of response-board questions in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page) that have been posted.

RESPONSE BOARD Question Posted Z

The Z-score of the RESPONSE BOARD Question Posted %.

RESPONSE BOARD Question Completion %

The percentage of response-board questions in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page) that have been saved (posted or drafted).

RESPONSE BOARD Questions Posted

The total number of response-board questions posted in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page).

RESPONSE BOARD Questions Answered

The total number of response-board questions answered (posted or drafted) in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page).

RESPONSE BOARD Questions Possible

The total number of response-board questions in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page).

RESPONSE BOARD Total Word Count (Saved)

The total word count of saved answers (posted or drafted) for response-board questions in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page).

RESPONSE BOARD Total Word Count (Posted)

The total word count of posted answers for response-board questions in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page).

SHORT ANSWER Question Posted %

The percentage of short-answer questions in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page) that have been posted.

SHORT ANSWER Question Posted Z

The Z-score of the SHORT ANSWER Question Posted %.

SHORT ANSWER Question Completion (Saved) %

The percentage of short-answer questions in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page) that have been saved (posted or drafted).

SHORT ANSWER Questions Posted

The total number of short-answer questions posted in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page).

SHORT ANSWER Questions Answered

The total number of short-answer questions answered (posted or drafted) in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page).

SHORT ANSWER Questions Possible

The total number of short-answer questions in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page).

SHORT ANSWER Total Word Count (Saved)

The total word count of saved answers (posted or drafted) for short-answer questions in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page).

SHORT ANSWER Total Word Count (Posted)

The total word count of posted answers for short-answer questions in the webtext (or in a chapter or on a page).

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