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How do I use an MC Question Response Summary report?
How do I use an MC Question Response Summary report?

Data in the MC Question Response Summary helps instructors provide targeted student support

Alyssa avatar
Written by Alyssa
Updated over 2 months ago

The MC Question Response Summary report provides aggregated response data for each multiple-choice question in the webtext and allows instructors to see how well students are understanding the course content.

For information on other reports available through Analytics, visit our articles:

Generating the report

1) Access Analytics through the Tools Menu in the webtext.

2) From the Generate Report menu in the upper right corner of the page, select MC Question Response Summary.

Arrow pointing to the Generate Report menu in Analytics with the MC Question Response Summary option highlighted.

3) Click Generate Report in the dialog box to start processing the report. The dialog box will show you the estimated time it will take for the report to run. Reports for courses with higher enrollment will take longer to process.

MC Question Response Summary report generation dialog with the Generate Report button highlighted.

4) When the report is ready, we will send a download link to the email address for your account. From the email, click the Download my report button to save it as a CSV file. (You can open and edit the file using a spreadsheet application like Excel or Google Sheets.)

MC Question Response Summary email with an arrow pointing to the Download my report button.

Reading the report

The MC Question Response Summary report shows class performance on each multiple-choice question within the webtext. For each question, the report includes data such as:

  • total number of correct responses

  • total number of incorrect responses with counts for each incorrect option

  • attempt (initial or final)

  • metadata such as Bloom’s level or learning objective

Instructors can use the data in this report to pinpoint areas of student confusion that can then be addressed through in-class activities, lecture, or supplemental resources.

Example report

This is how the report looks when viewed in a spreadsheet application like Excel.

Screenshot of MC Question Response Summary report showing data columns A through K.

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Data descriptions

You can find more information on each field in the MC Question Response Summary report in the table below.

Data field


Page Number

The page number for a given question. Unnumbered pages, such as the pages that appear in the Introduction or an Appendix, will appear as “Page.”

Page Name

The webtext page name.

Page Type

The webtext page type, such as “normal” or “chapter quiz.”

MC Attempts Allowed

The number of attempts allowed to answer a question.

Question Type

Question types include:

  • “MC Question” - a single multiple-choice question.

  • “MC Question Pool” - a set of multiple-choice questions from which a student will be randomly presented one to answer; the response data for this question type will aggregate the responses for all of the multiple-choice questions, or pool items, in the set. For more on how students answer questions in multiple-choice question pools, visit our article, How do students reset individual questions?

  • “MC Question Pool Item” - one of the individual multiple-choice questions in an MC Question Pool.

Question ID

Internal version number for the question.

Question Family ID

Internal identifier for the question.

MC Question Pool Family ID

Internal identifier for the question pool the item belongs to.

Question Body

The text of the question prompt for MC Questions or MC Question Pool Items.

Note that the Question Body field is empty for MC Question Pools.

Which Attempt

Attempt status values include:

  • “Initial Attempt” - response data reflects the first time the question was answered

  • “Final Attempt” - response data reflects the answer selected at the time of report generation

Number Correct

The number of students who got the question correct on this attempt.

Number Incorrect

The number of students who got the question incorrect on this attempt.

Number Responses

Total number of responses.

Percent Correct

The percentage of correct responses for each question.

Correct Response

The text of the correct answer choice for each question.

Count (for Correct Responses)

The number of students who chose the correct response for the question.

Incorrect Response

The text of the incorrect answer option(s) for each question. Typically there are two or three distractors (incorrect options) for each question. Depending on the number of response options for each question, some Incorrect Response fields may be empty.

Count (for each Incorrect Response)

The number of students who chose the corresponding Incorrect Response for the question.

Note that if an Incorrect Response field is empty, its corresponding Count field will be empty as well.

Metadata fields

If the questions in the webtext have been tagged with metadata, the final fields will indicate the metadata information for the question or question pool. Example tags include ”depth-of-knowledge”, ”bloom” (Bloom’s taxonomy level), ”apa-slo” (APA-IPI Student Learning Outcome), etc. Contact Support for information about the metadata for your specific webtext.

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