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What is a Student Activity Summary report?
What is a Student Activity Summary report?

Basic overview of the weekly Student Activity Summary report

Written by Soomo Instructor Support
Updated over 4 months ago

Starting in the second week of the term, instructors are emailed a weekly Student Activity Summary report to help identify which students may need assistance or encouragement. The report will flag students with low completion and scores in the webtext.

Subscription status

First, the report shows each student’s current subscription status—specifically, instructors can see if a particular student is in a trial, has an expired trial, or has yet to subscribe to the webtext. Instructors can then contact students who have an expired trial (or haven’t accessed yet) to make sure they start working and don’t fall behind.

A sample Student Activity Summary with a green arrow pointing to an example student who has an expired trial.

Note: Subscription status is only available for instructors who have integrated their webtext with their LMS.

Low completion

The top number in each row shows the student's average completion. Students who are flagged in this category have completed fewer questions than the class average. These students may need encouragement from the instructor to continue completing work in the webtext.

A sample Student Activity Summary with a green arrow pointing to a red number that indicates a low multiple-choice question completion percentage.


The bottom number in each row shows the student’s average score. Students who are flagged in this category have lower scores than the class average. They may be having trouble with reading comprehension, or perhaps they are not resetting the questions in the webtext.

A sample Student Activity Summary with a green arrow pointing to a red number that indicates a low multiple-choice question score percentage.

Tip: Use the information found in the Student Activity Summary report to dig deeper in the webtext Analytics.

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Monday–Friday 9 a.m.–9 p.m. ET
Saturday–Sunday 1 p.m.–9 p.m. ET

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